
COMPLETED: Grays and Torreys Peak, CO -- July 2009

My first 14er!

To plan my first climb I went here: http://www.14ers.com/.

I decided to do a Class 1 hike. Just a walk up. I had heard that it is best to start early and get off mountian before afternoon storms. I hiked up to trailhead (3 miles?) from the highway parking lot. There is a road up to trailhead but it is rough and I didn't want to risk ruining my friend's car. On the way up, a ranger told me a storm was coming and to try to get to trailhead and get my tent up. Trailhead was at the treeline. I set up tent and I don't remember if it stormed because I feel asleep.

I ate a power bar in the morning and packed my pack for my solo hike up Grays. I admit, I was scared being alone. I hiked at a slow rate to pace myself. I gained confidence as I started passing people. There were a lot of people going up the mountain and I wasn't scared anymore. (I found out that there was a pancake breakfast on the top of Torrey's that day. Yes, you read that right!) I finally saw the mountain come into view and I was on my way up. It got rocky and I slowly switchbacked my way up. I was hiking at same pace as two young guys. "Do you guys feel the elevation? I'm thinking slow," I said. The three of us reached the summit. There were others up there. The young guys hooted with joy and I suppose I would have made a loud celebratory commotion if I was with buddies. Instead I caught my wind, took a good look around, had my picture taken and was so enthused I forgot about any mind fog and decided to hike the saddle over to Torreys.

It was a great hike. I made it back down to my tent and packed up. I did have a little bit of a headache (maybe I didn't drink enough water). I can't wait to hike my next 14er!

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Happily may I walk.
May it be beautiful before me.
May it be beautiful behind me.
May it be beautiful below me.
May it be beautiful above me.
May it be beautiful all around me.
In beauty is it finished.

~Anonymous, Navajo Night Chant
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- Beyond Backpacking / Ray Jardine's Guide to Lightweight Hiking by Ray Jardine
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- No Shortcuts to the Top by Ed Viesturs
- Breaking Trail by Arlene Blume
- High Adventure: The true story of the first ascent of Everest by Sir Edmund Hillary

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- A Blistered Kind of Love: One Couple's Trial by Trail by Angela and Duffy Ballard
- The Cactus Eaters by Dan White
- Where the Water Divide / A Walk Along America's Continental Divide by Kren Berger and Daniel Smith
- Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey

Trail Guides ...
- The Maah Daah Hey Trail by Hiram Rogers
- Hiking Grand Canyon Loops, A Falcon Guide

Grand Canyon Reading ...
- The Man Who Walked Through Time by Colin Fletcher
- Over the Edge: Death in the Grand Canyon by Michael Ghiglieri and Thomas Myers

Isle Royale Reading ...
- The diary of an Isle Royale school teacher by Dorothy Peterman Simonson
- Ingeborg's Isle Royale by Ingeborg Holte
- The wolves of Isle Royale : a broken balance by Rolf O. Peterson